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Client Preparation


from tqdm import tqdm
from warnings import warn
from functools import reduce

from import rawgen, specgen, raw, utils
from IPython.display import JSON
import pandas as pd
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv

assert load_dotenv('../.env'), 'Environment variables could not be loaded'

api_key = os.environ['BMRS_API_KEY']
API_yaml = specgen.load_API_yaml(fp='../data/BMRS_API.yaml')

<IPython.core.display.JSON object>
def test_endpoints(
    default_kwargs: dict
    methods_to_test = [func for func in dir(raw) if 'get_' in func]
    stream_to_df = dict()

    for method_to_test in tqdm(methods_to_test):
        method_func = getattr(raw, method_to_test)
        func_kwargs = dict(zip(method_func.__code__.co_varnames, method_func.__defaults__))

        for kwarg, value in default_kwargs.items():
            if kwarg in func_kwargs.keys():
                func_kwargs.update({kwarg: value})

        r = method_func(**func_kwargs)
        df = utils.parse_xml_response(r)

        stream_to_df[method_to_test.split('_')[1]] = df

    streams_without_content = []

    for stream, df in stream_to_df.items():
        if df.size == 0:
            streams_without_content += [stream]

    return streams_without_content

    if len(streams_without_content) > 0:
        warn(f"The following data streams returned no content data: {', '.join(streams_without_content)}")

    return stream_to_df
default_kwargs = {
    'APIKey': api_key,
    'ServiceType': 'xml'

stream_to_df = test_endpoints(default_kwargs)
100% 49/49 [00:35<00:00,  1.39it/s]
def construct_method_to_params_dict(API_yaml):
    method_to_params = reduce(lambda k, v: {**k, **v}, [
            f'{k}_{rawgen.clean_path_name(stream)}': {
                parameter['name']: rawgen.extract_parameter_example(parameter) 
                for parameter 
                in v['parameters']
            for k, v 
            in method.items() 
            if k in ['get', 'post']
        for stream, method 
        in API_yaml['paths'].items()

    return method_to_params
method_to_params = construct_method_to_params_dict(API_yaml)

{'get_B0610': {'APIKey': 'AP8DA23',
  'SettlementDate': '2021-01-01',
  'Period': '1',
  'ServiceType': 'csv'},
 'get_B0620': {'APIKey': 'AP8DA23',
  'SettlementDate': '2021-01-01',
  'Period': '1',
  'ServiceType': 'csv'},
 'get_B0630': {'APIKey': 'AP8DA23',
  'Year': '2021',
  'Week': '22',
  'ServiceType': 'csv'}}
flatten_list = lambda list_: [item for sublist in list_ for item in sublist]

field_names = sorted(list(set(flatten_list([list(params.keys()) for params in method_to_params.values()]))))

def construct_request_type_filter(
    has_start_time: bool,
    has_end_time: bool,
    has_start_date: bool,
    has_end_date: bool,
    has_date: bool,
    has_SP: bool,
    has_year: bool,
    has_month: bool,
    has_week: bool
    request_type_filter = {
        'year': (has_year + has_month + has_week == 1) and (has_year == 1),
        'month': (has_year + has_month == 1) and (has_month == 1),
        'week': (has_year + has_week == 1) and (has_week == 1),
        'year_and_month': has_year + has_month == 2,
        'year_and_week': has_year + has_week == 2,
        'SP_and_date': has_SP + has_date == 2,
        'date_range': has_start_time + has_end_time + has_start_date + has_end_date == 2,
        'date_time_range': has_start_time + has_end_time + has_start_date + has_end_date == 4,
        'non_temporal': has_start_time + has_end_time + has_start_date + has_end_date + has_SP + has_date + has_year + has_month == 0,

    return request_type_filter

def check_request_type_filter(
    field_names: list,
    request_type_filter: dict,
    has_start_time: bool,
    has_end_time: bool,
    has_start_date: bool,
    has_end_date: bool,
    has_date: bool,
    has_SP: bool,
    has_year: bool,
    has_month: bool,
    has_week: bool
    Checks the validity of the specified stream parameters

    The following conditions will raise an error:
    * has month without a year
    * has only one of start/end time
    * has only one of start/end date
    * has only one settlement period or date
    * filter does not contain only one request type

    filter_str = f'\n\nFilter:\n{request_type_filter}\n\nField Names:\n{", ".join(field_names)}'

    assert {(False, True): True, (False, False): False, (True, True): False, (True, False): False}[(has_year, has_month)] == False, 'Cannot provide a month without a year' + filter_str
    assert {(False, True): True, (False, False): False, (True, True): False, (True, False): False}[(has_year, has_week)] == False, 'Cannot provide a week without a year' + filter_str
    assert has_start_time + has_end_time != 1, 'Only one of start/end time was provided' + filter_str
    assert has_start_date + has_end_date != 1, 'Only one of start/end date was provided' + filter_str
    assert (has_SP + has_date != 1) or (has_start_date + has_end_date == 2), 'Only one of date/SP was provided' + filter_str
    assert sum(request_type_filter.values()) == 1, 'Request type could not be determined\n\nFilter' + filter_str


def determine_request_type_from_fields(
    field_names: list,
    start_time_cols: list=['StartTime'],
    end_time_cols: list=['EndTime'],
    start_date_cols: list=['StartDate', 'FromSettlementDate', 'FromDate'],
    end_date_cols: list=['EndDate', 'ToSettlementDate', 'ToDate'],
    date_cols: list=['SettlementDate', 'ImplementationDate', 'DecommissioningDate', 'Date', 'startTimeOfHalfHrPeriod'],
    SP_cols: list=['SettlementPeriod', 'Period'],
    year_cols: list=['Year'],
    month_cols: list=['Month', 'MonthName'],
    week_cols: list=['Week']
    has_start_time = bool(set(field_names).intersection(set(start_time_cols)))
    has_end_time = bool(set(field_names).intersection(set(end_time_cols)))
    has_start_date = bool(set(field_names).intersection(set(start_date_cols)))
    has_end_date = bool(set(field_names).intersection(set(end_date_cols)))
    has_date = bool(set(field_names).intersection(set(date_cols)))
    has_SP = bool(set(field_names).intersection(set(SP_cols)))
    has_year = bool(set(field_names).intersection(set(year_cols)))
    has_month = bool(set(field_names).intersection(set(month_cols)))
    has_week = bool(set(field_names).intersection(set(week_cols)))

    request_type_filter = construct_request_type_filter(
        has_start_time, has_end_time, has_start_date, 
        has_end_date, has_date, has_SP, has_year, has_month, has_week

        field_names, request_type_filter, has_start_time, has_end_time, has_start_date, 
        has_end_date, has_date, has_SP, has_year, has_month, has_week

    request_type = [k for k, v in request_type_filter.items() if v==True][0]

    return request_type
method = 'get_B1610'

field_names = list(method_to_params[method].keys())
request_type = determine_request_type_from_fields(field_names)

def determine_method_request_types(method_to_params):
    method_to_request_type = dict()

    for method in method_to_params.keys():
        field_names = list(method_to_params[method].keys())
        method_to_request_type[method] = determine_request_type_from_fields(field_names)

    return method_to_request_type
method_to_request_type = determine_method_request_types(method_to_params)

SP_and_date        22
date_time_range     9
non_temporal        8
year                5
year_and_month      3
year_and_week       1
date_range          1
dtype: int64
def construct_method_to_params_map(method_to_params):
    standardised_params_map = {
        'start_time': ['StartTime'],
        'end_time': ['EndTime'],
        'start_date': ['StartDate', 'FromSettlementDate', 'FromDate'],
        'end_date': ['EndDate', 'ToSettlementDate', 'ToDate'],
        'date': ['SettlementDate', 'ImplementationDate', 'DecommissioningDate', 'Date', 'startTimeOfHalfHrPeriod'],
        'SP': ['SettlementPeriod', 'Period'],
        'year': ['Year'],
        'month': ['Month', 'MonthName'],
        'week': ['Week']

    method_to_params_map = dict()

    for method, params in method_to_params.items():
        method_to_params_map[method] = dict()

        for param in params.keys():
            for standardised_param, bmrs_params in standardised_params_map.items():
                if param in bmrs_params:
                    method_to_params_map[method][standardised_param] = param

    return method_to_params_map
method_to_params_map = construct_method_to_params_map(method_to_params)

{'get_B0610': {'date': 'SettlementDate', 'SP': 'Period'},
 'get_B0620': {'date': 'SettlementDate', 'SP': 'Period'},
 'get_B0630': {'year': 'Year', 'week': 'Week'}}
def construct_method_info_dict(API_yaml_fp: str):
    API_yaml = specgen.load_API_yaml(API_yaml_fp)

    method_to_params = construct_method_to_params_dict(API_yaml)
    method_to_request_type = determine_method_request_types(method_to_params)
    method_to_params_map = construct_method_to_params_map(method_to_params)

    method_info = dict()

    for method, params in  method_to_params.items():
        method_info[method] = dict()

        method_info[method]['request_type'] = method_to_request_type[method]
        method_info[method]['kwargs_map'] = method_to_params_map[method]
        method_info[method]['func_kwargs'] = {
                {v: k for k, v in method_to_params_map[method].items()}[k] 
                if k in method_to_params_map[method].values()
                else k
            ): v 
            for k, v 
            in method_to_params[method].items()

    return method_info
method_info = construct_method_info_dict('../data/BMRS_API.yaml')

<IPython.core.display.JSON object>