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API Layers

The octopyenergy library provides three levels of abstraction for requesting data from the Octopus Energy API

So far we've mainly used the create_elec_consumption_s method, this is a high-level function in the API that carries out the request and then converts the response into a tidied pandas series. Underneath this layer lie several lower-level functions which can provide us additional control.

Here we'll query the retrieve_electricity_consumption end-point and extract the JSON response.

r = download_manager.retrieve_electricity_consumption(meter_mpan=meter_mpan, meter_serial=meter_serial)

dict_keys(['count', 'next', 'previous', 'results'])

We can use another octopyenergy helper function, response_to_data to convert the response into a dataframe.

N.b. this will only work for responses which can be converted into a dataframe, such as those from retrieve_electricity_consumption and retrieve_gas_consumption.

s_elec_consumption = oe.api.results_to_df(r.json()['results'])

interval_start consumption
2020-10-27 23:00:00+00:00 0.008
2020-10-27 22:30:00+00:00 0.007
2020-10-27 22:00:00+00:00 0.008
2020-10-27 21:30:00+00:00 0.008
2020-10-27 21:00:00+00:00 0.007

The deepest abstraction level is available through the query_endpoint method, this provides access to all of the end-points but requires a larger number of parameters to be passed. The benefit of this level is that it can be easier to work with when the end-point being used is specified through another variable.

end_point = 'retrieve_electricity_consumption'

end_point_kwargs = {
    'meter_mpan': meter_mpan,
    'meter_serial': meter_serial,

r = download_manager.query_endpoint(end_point, end_point_kwargs)

dict_keys(['count', 'next', 'previous', 'results'])

One of the issues when working with the direct responses is that we have to iterate through the data pages, we can use a helper method called retrieve_all_results to do this for us and return the combined results.

results = download_manager.retrieve_all_results(r)
results_count = len(results)

assert results_count == r.json()['count'], "The full dataset was not returned"
