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Getting Started


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Installing Octopy-Energy

The first step to getting running with the library is to install it through pip.

! pip install octopyenergy
Requirement already satisfied: octopyenergy in c:\users\user\path\to\octopy-energy (0.0.1)

Once installed octopyenergy can be imported into your scripts.

import octopyenergy as oe
from octopyenergy.api import DownloadManager

User Inputs

We now need to assign values for our account/meter details.

N.b. we recommend that you store your account details in a .env file and then use the dotenv library to set them as environment variables, which can in turn be picked up by os and assigned to local variables.

octopus_api_key = 'your_octopus_api_key'
meter_mpan = 'your_meter_mpan'
meter_serial = 'your_meter_serial'

Using the Download Manager

We'll start by initialising the DownloadManager, when we do so we can pass a number of parameters which will configure defaults in the download manager. The octopus_api_key is also required for some requests.

download_manager = DownloadManager(meter_mpan=meter_mpan, 

Welcome to the octopyenergy DownloadManager! For more information please read the documentation at

The following API end-points are available: 
retrieve_products, retrieve_product, retrieve_tariff_charges, retrieve_meter_point, retrieve_electricity_consumption, retrieve_gas_consumption, retrieve_gsps

One of the benefits of specifying these parameters is that they will be used to pre-populate the function docstrings.

Help on function retrieve_meter_point:

retrieve_meter_point(meter_mpan='your_meter_mpan', **kwargs)
    Retrieves a meter-point


Specifying those parameters also reduces the amount of arguments we need to pass when making data requests.

s_elec_consumption = download_manager.create_elec_consumption_s()



A number of the end-points do not require an API key or additional arguments, these will work even when no parameters are specified during the DownloadManager initialisation.

download_manager = DownloadManager()

{'count': 14, 'next': None, 'previous': None, 'results': [{'group_id': '_A'}, {'group_id': '_B'}, {'group_id': '_C'}, {'group_id': '_D'}, {'group_id': '_E'}, {'group_id': '_F'}, {'group_id': '_G'}, {'group_id': '_H'}, {'group_id': '_J'}, {'group_id': '_K'}, {'group_id': '_L'}, {'group_id': '_M'}, {'group_id': '_N'}, {'group_id': '_P'}]}

For those that do an Exception will be raised detailing why the request was unsuccessful.

def request_electricity_consumption(download_manager, meter_mpan=None, meter_serial=None):
        download_manager.retrieve_electricity_consumption(meter_mpan=meter_mpan, meter_serial=meter_serial)
        print('Successfully retrieved!')

    except oe.api.SadOctopy as err:

request_electricity_consumption(download_manager, meter_mpan, meter_serial)
Authentication credentials were not provided.

This can easily be remedied by calling the autheticate method and passing your api key.


request_electricity_consumption(download_manager, meter_mpan, meter_serial)
Successfully retrieved!

A similar event may occur if you provided no parameters when the download manager was initialised, then try to call a function that requires one of those parameters for a default. To assign these parameters we can call a method where assign is used as a prefix, e.g. download_manager.assign_<parameter_name>(<parameter_value>).


s_elec_consumption = download_manager.create_elec_consumption_s()

interval_start consumption
2020-10-27 23:00:00+00:00 0.008
2020-10-27 22:30:00+00:00 0.007
2020-10-27 22:00:00+00:00 0.008
2020-10-27 21:30:00+00:00 0.008
2020-10-27 21:00:00+00:00 0.007

Congratulations, you're now ready to get up and running with octopyenergy!