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EU Transaction Log Database

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

import re
import os
import copy
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ipypb import track
import FEAutils as hlp
from IPython.display import JSON

Identifying Operator Holding Accounts

We'll start by calling the first page of the unfiltered search

get_accounts_raw_search = lambda page_num=0: requests.get(f'{page_num}')
r = get_accounts_raw_search()

<Response [200]>

For this single page we'll create a function that converts the relevant table into a dataframe

def extract_search_df(r):
    soup = bs(r.text)
    results_table = soup.find('table', attrs={'id': 'tblAccountSearchResult'})

    df_search = (pd
                 .iloc[1:, :-2]
                     'National Administrator': 'country',
                     'Account Type': 'account_type',
                     'Account Holder Name': 'account_holder_name',
                     'Installation/Aircraft ID': 'installation_or_aircraft_id',
                     'Installation Name/Aircraft Operator Code*': 'operator_code',
                     'Company Registration No': 'company_registration_number',
                     'Permit/Plan ID': 'permit_or_plan_id',
                     'Permit/Plan Date': 'permit_or_plan_date',
                     'Main Activity Type': 'main_activity_type',
                     'Latest Compliance Code': 'latest_compliance_code'

    df_search['account_id'] = [a['href'].split('accountID=')[-1].split('&')[0] for a in results_table.findAll('a', text=re.compile('Details - All Phases'))]

    return df_search
df_search = extract_search_df(r)

country account_type account_holder_name installation_or_aircraft_id operator_code company_registration_number permit_or_plan_id permit_or_plan_date main_activity_type latest_compliance_code account_id
0 Austria Aircraft Operator Account Jetalliance Flugbetriebs GmbH 200103 27702 FN 203001g BMLFUW-UW.1.3.2/0354-V/4/2009 2010-01-01 Aircraft operator activities C 90574
1 Austria Aircraft Operator Account Glock GmbH 200108 194 FN64142b BMFLUW-UW.1.3.2/0084-V/4/2010 2010-01-01 Aircraft operator activities A 90727
2 Austria Aircraft Operator Account Glock Services GmbH 200109 36057 FN329154a UW.1.3.2/0085-V/4/2011 2010-01-01 Aircraft operator activities A 90728

We next need to identify how many pages we need to retrieve data from

def get_num_operating_accounts_pages():
    r = get_accounts_raw_search()
    soup = bs(r.text)

    soup_pn = soup.find('input', attrs={'name': 'resultList.lastPageNumber'})
    num_pages = int(soup_pn['value'])

    return num_pages
num_pages = get_num_operating_accounts_pages()


We're now ready to download and collate all of the separate pages

def get_full_search_df(num_pages):
    df_search = pd.DataFrame()

    for page_num in track(range(num_pages), label='Accounts'):
        r = get_accounts_raw_search(page_num=page_num)
        df_search_page = extract_search_df(r)
        df_search = df_search.append(df_search_page)

    df_search = (df_search

    return df_search

def get_search_df(data_dir='data', num_pages=None, redownload=False):
    if num_pages is None:
        num_pages = get_num_operating_accounts_pages()

    if not os.path.exists(data_dir):

    if redownload == True:
        df_search = get_full_search_df(num_pages)
        df_search.to_csv(f'{data_dir}/account_search.csv', index=False)
        df_search = pd.read_csv(f'{data_dir}/account_search.csv')
redownload_search_df = False

df_search = get_search_df(data_dir='../data', redownload=redownload_search_df)

100% 880/883 [09:19<00:01, 0.63s/it]
(17620, 11)

We would intuitively expect to see only unique values in the permit_or_plan_id column but we can see for values such as EEW012 that this is not the case. In this instance it appears as though the account holder name has changed, meaning that the emissions data has been split despite it being owned by the same overarching company - these are problems we will have to address later.

country account_type account_holder_name installation_or_aircraft_id operator_code company_registration_number permit_or_plan_id permit_or_plan_date main_activity_type latest_compliance_code account_id
137 Austria Operator Holding Account VERBUND Thermal Power GmbH & Co KG 97 Verbund KW Voitsberg FN 220426 g EEW012 2004-01-02 Combustion installations with a rated thermal ... C 93794
271 Austria Operator Holding Account A-Tec Beteiligungs GmbH 233 DKW Voitsberg FN 294601 m EEW012 2005-06-09 Combustion installations with a rated thermal ... A 93944

We'll quickly inspect the number of each type of account

Operator Holding Account     16040
Aircraft Operator Account     1580
Name: account_type, dtype: int64

Retrieving Installation/Operator Data

In this section we'll start looking at individual operator accounts and extracting some more detailed information

account_id_to_url = lambda account_id: f'{account_id}&action=all'
account_id = df_search.loc[df_search['account_type']=='Aircraft Operator Account', 'account_id'].iloc[0]
account_url = account_id_to_url(account_id)


We'll create a function that extracts the relevant tables as Beautiful Soup objects

def retry_request(root_url, params={}, n_retries=10, **kwargs):
    for i in range(n_retries):
            r = requests.get(root_url, params=params, **kwargs)
            return r
        except Exception as e:
            err = e

    raise err

def extract_key_table_soups(account_url):
    r = retry_request(account_url)
    soup = bs(r.text)

    operator_master_table = soup.find('table', attrs={'summary': 'Master account details'})
    operator_child_table, compliance_table = soup.findAll('table', attrs={'summary': 'Child account details'})

    return operator_master_table, operator_child_table, compliance_table
operator_master_table, operator_child_table, compliance_table = extract_key_table_soups(account_url)

len(operator_master_table), len(operator_child_table), len(compliance_table)
(5, 5, 3)

The first table we'll extract is the time-series compliance data

def try_convert(value, default, type_):
        return type_(value)

    return default

filter_for_year_indexes = lambda df: df.loc[pd.Series(df.index).apply(try_convert, args=(np.nan, float)).dropna().astype(int).astype(str).values]

def extract_compliance_df(compliance_table):
    df_compliance = (pd
                     .read_html(str(compliance_table))[1].iloc[1:, :-2]
                     .drop(columns=['EU ETS Phase', 'Cumulative Surrendered Units**', 'Cumulative Verified Emissions***'])
                         'Allowances in Allocation': 'allocated_allowances',
                         'Verified Emissions': 'verified_emissions',
                         'Units Surrendered': 'units_surrendered',
                         'Compliance Code': 'compliance_code'

    return df_compliance
df_compliance = extract_compliance_df(compliance_table)

('Unnamed: 0_level_0', 'Year') ('allocated_allowances', 'Unnamed: 1_level_1') ('verified_emissions', 'Unnamed: 2_level_1') ('units_surrendered', 'Unnamed: 3_level_1') ('compliance_code', 'Unnamed: 4_level_1')
2005 8492 12104 12104 A
2006 8492 12256 12256 A
2007 8492 14976 14976 A
2008 14063 17523 17523 A*
2009 17155 16815 16815 A

We'll quickly visualise the cumulative excess emissions for the account we've just retrieved.

When the cumulative emissions are below 0 we can imagine the account as being in credit, whereas when its above 0 we can view it as being in debt.

df_plot = df_compliance[['allocated_allowances', 'verified_emissions']].astype(float).astype('Int64').dropna(how='all')
df_plot.index = df_plot.index.astype(int)

# Plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=150)

ax.plot([df_plot.index.min(), df_plot.index.max()], [0, 0], 'k--')

ax.set_title(f'Account ID: {account_id}')
ax.set_ylabel('Cumulative Excess Emissions')
ax.set_xlim(df_plot.index.min(), df_plot.index.max())


We'll take a quick look at how well the tables can be parsed into dataframes using pd.read_html alone

_ , df_master_general_info, _, df_contact_info = pd.read_html(str(operator_master_table))
_ , df_child_general_info, df_address_info = pd.read_html(str(operator_child_table))

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 General Information General Information General Information General Information General Information General Information General Information
1 National Administrator Account Type Account Holder Name Installation ID Company Registration No Account Status nan
2 Austria 100-Holding Account Breitenfeld Edelstahl AG 2 FN 74471 t open nan

We'll create some helper functions for extracting data from the different tables individually

extract_single_row_table_info = lambda df_info, num_excess_start_cols, last_end_col: df_info.iloc[num_excess_start_cols:, :last_end_col].reset_index(drop=True).T.set_index(0)[1].to_dict()

extract_master_general_info = lambda df_master_general_info: extract_single_row_table_info(df_master_general_info, 1, 6)
extract_child_general_info = lambda df_child_general_info: extract_single_row_table_info(df_child_general_info, 1, 10)
extract_contact_info = lambda df_contact_info: extract_single_row_table_info(df_contact_info, 1, 11)
extract_address_info = lambda df_address_info: extract_single_row_table_info(df_address_info, 1, 8)
{'National Administrator': 'Austria',
 'Account Type': '100-Holding Account',
 'Account Holder Name': 'Breitenfeld Edelstahl AG',
 'Installation ID': '2',
 'Company Registration No': 'FN 74471 t',
 'Account Status': 'open'}

We'll now repeat this for all four of the table types and then combine them in a single dictionary

def clean_dict_2nd_level_nulls(dict_):
    dict_ = {
        k1: {
            k2: (
                if v2
                not in [np.nan, 'nan', '-'] 
                else None
            for k2, v2
            in v1.items()
        for k1, v1 
        in dict_.items()

    return dict_

def extract_page_info(
    # Retrieving table html
    account_url = account_id_to_url(account_id)
    operator_master_table, operator_child_table, compliance_table = extract_key_table_soups(account_url)

    # Extracting raw dataframes
    _ , df_master_general_info, _, df_contact_info = pd.read_html(str(operator_master_table))
    _ , df_child_general_info, df_address_info = pd.read_html(str(operator_child_table))

    # Parsing to clean dictionaries
    master_general_info = master_general_info_func(df_master_general_info)
    child_general_info = child_general_info_func(df_child_general_info)
    contact_info = extract_contact_info(df_contact_info)
    address_info = extract_address_info(df_address_info)

    # Collating data
    page_info = {
        'master_general_info': master_general_info,
        'child_general_info': child_general_info,
        'contact_info': contact_info,
        'address_info': address_info

    # Cleaning null values
    page_info = clean_dict_2nd_level_nulls(page_info)

    # Extracting time-series data
    df_ts = extract_compliance_df(compliance_table)

    return page_info, df_ts
aircraft_page_info, df_ts = extract_page_info(account_id)

<IPython.core.display.JSON object>

We can use the same function to extract the information from an installation page as well.

N.b. this is only possible because the tables are of the same size and format, if this changes in future the aircraft and installation pages will need separate extraction functions

account_id = df_search.loc[df_search['account_type']=='Operator Holding Account', 'account_id'].iloc[0]
page_info, df_ts = extract_page_info(account_id)

<IPython.core.display.JSON object>

We'll quickly write some helper functions for collating this data in separate owner and unit dictionaries

def collate_owner_info(installation_page_info):
    general_info = installation_page_info['master_general_info']
    contact_info = installation_page_info['contact_info']

    owner_info = copy.deepcopy(general_info)

    assert len(general_info) + len(contact_info) - len(owner_info) == 0, 'There are duplicate entries in the dictionary keys'

    return owner_info

def collate_unit_info(installation_page_info):
    general_info = installation_page_info['child_general_info']
    address_info = installation_page_info['address_info']

    installation_info = copy.deepcopy(general_info)

    assert len(general_info) + len(address_info) - len(installation_info) == 0, 'There are duplicate entries in the dictionary keys'

    return installation_info
s_owner_info = pd.Series(collate_owner_info(page_info))
s_installation_info = pd.Series(collate_unit_info(page_info))

National Administrator                           Austria
Account Type                         100-Holding Account
Account Holder Name        Jetalliance Flugbetriebs GmbH
Aircraft Operator ID                              200103
Company Registration No                       FN 203001g
Account Status                                    closed
Type                                      Account holder
Name                       Jetalliance Flugbetriebs GmbH
Legal Entity Identifier                             None
Main Address Line                            Flugplatz 1
Secondary Address Line                              None
Postal Code                                         2542
City                                        Kottingbrunn
Country                                          Austria
Telephone 1                                         None
Telephone 2                                         None
E-Mail Address                                      None
dtype: object

We'll create a wrapper for downloading and saving the installation data

def construct_ets_unit_dfs(account_ids, owners_col_rename_map, units_col_rename_map, label=None):
    df_owners = pd.DataFrame(index=account_ids, columns=owners_col_rename_map.keys())
    df_units = pd.DataFrame(index=account_ids, columns=units_col_rename_map.keys())
    ts_dfs = {}

    for account_id in track(account_ids, label=label):
        page_info, df_ts = extract_page_info(account_id)

        df_owners.loc[account_id] = pd.Series(collate_owner_info(page_info))
        df_units.loc[account_id] = pd.Series(collate_unit_info(page_info))
        ts_dfs[account_id] = df_ts

    df_owners = df_owners.rename(columns=owners_col_rename_map)
    df_units = df_units.rename(columns=units_col_rename_map)

    return df_owners, df_units, ts_dfs

def constuct_da_ts_from_ts_dfs(ts_dfs):
    arr = np.stack([df.values for df in ts_dfs.values()])

    coords = {
        'account_id': list(ts_dfs.keys()), 
        'year': list(ts_dfs.values())[0].index.values, 
        'variable': list(ts_dfs.values())[0].columns.values

    da_ts = xr.DataArray(arr, coords=coords, dims=coords.keys())

    return da_ts

def ts_dfs_to_separate_vars(ts_dfs):
    da_ts = constuct_da_ts_from_ts_dfs(ts_dfs)
    ts_var_dfs = {}

    for variable in da_ts['variable'].values:
        ts_var_dfs[variable] = (da_ts
                                .pivot('account_id', 'year', variable)

    return ts_var_dfs

def construct_installation_dfs(account_ids):
    installation_owners_col_rename_map = {
        'National Administrator': 'national_administrator', 
        'Account Type': 'account_type', 
        'Account Holder Name': 'account_holder_name',
        'Installation ID': 'installation_id', 
        'Company Registration No': 'company_registration_number', 
        'Account Status': 'account_status', 
        'Type': 'type',
        'Name': 'name', 
        'Legal Entity Identifier': 'legal_entity_identifier', 
        'Main Address Line': 'first_address_line',
        'Secondary Address Line': 'second_address_line', 
        'Postal Code': 'postcode', 
        'City': 'city', 
        'Country': 'country',
        'Telephone 1': 'telephone_1', 
        'Telephone 2': 'telephone_2', 
        'E-Mail Address': 'email'

    installations_col_rename_map = {
        'Installation ID': 'installation_id', 
        'Installation Name': 'installation_name', 
        'Permit ID': 'permit_id',
        'Permit Entry Date': 'permit_entry_date', 
        'Permit Expiry/Revocation Date': 'permit_expiration_Date',
        'Name of Subsidiary undertaking': 'subsidiary_undertaking_name', 
        'Name of Parent undertaking': 'parent_undertaking_name',
        'E-PRTR identification': 'EPRTR_id', 
        'First Year of Emissions': 'initial_emissions_year',
        'Last Year of Emissions': 'final_emissions_year',  
        'Main Address Line': 'first_address_line',
        'Secondary Address Line': 'second_address_line', 
        'Postal Code': 'postcode', 
        'City': 'city', 
        'Country': 'country', 
        'Latitude': 'lat', 
        'Longitude': 'lon',
        'Main Activity': 'main_activity'

    df_owners, df_installations, ts_dfs = construct_ets_unit_dfs(account_ids, installation_owners_col_rename_map, installations_col_rename_map, label='Installations')
    installation_dfs = ts_dfs_to_separate_vars(ts_dfs)

        'owners': df_owners,
        'installations': df_installations

    return installation_dfs

def get_installation_dfs(df_search, data_dir='data/installations', redownload=False):
    df_search_installations = df_search.query("account_type=='Operator Holding Account'")
    account_ids = df_search_installations['account_id']

    if not os.path.exists(data_dir):

    if redownload == True:
        installation_dfs = construct_installation_dfs(account_ids)

        for filename, df_installation in installation_dfs.items():

        installation_dfs = dict()
        filenames = [f[:-4] for f in os.listdir(data_dir) if '.csv' in f]

        for filename in filenames:
            installation_dfs[filename] = pd.read_csv(f'{data_dir}/{filename}.csv')

    return installation_dfs
redownload_installations = False

installation_dfs = get_installation_dfs(df_search, data_dir='../data/installations', redownload=redownload_installations)

100% 16000/16040 [02:20:00<00:00, 0.52s/it]
(16040, 17)

We can do the same for the aircraft data as well

def construct_aircraft_dfs(account_ids):
    aircraft_owners_col_rename_map = {
        'National Administrator': 'national_administrator', 
        'Account Type': 'account_type', 
        'Account Holder Name': 'account_holder_name',
        'Aircraft Operator ID': 'aircraft_operator_id',
        'Company Registration No': 'company_registration_number', 
        'Account Status': 'account_status', 
        'Type': 'type',
        'Name': 'name', 
        'Legal Entity Identifier': 'legal_entity_identifier', 
        'Main Address Line': 'first_address_line',
        'Secondary Address Line': 'second_address_line', 
        'Postal Code': 'postcode', 
        'City': 'city', 
        'Country': 'country',
        'Telephone 1': 'telephone_1', 
        'Telephone 2': 'telephone_2', 
        'E-Mail Address': 'email'

    aircraft_col_rename_map = {
        'Aircraft Operator ID': 'aircraft_operator_id',
        'Unique Code under Commission Regulation (EC) No 748/2009': '',
        'Monitoring Plan ID': 'monitoring_plan_id',
        'Monitoring plan — first year of applicability': 'monitoring_plan_start_date',
        'Monitoring plan — year of expiry': 'monitoring_plan_expiration_Date',
        'Name of Subsidiary undertaking': 'subsidiary_undertaking_name', 
        'Name of Parent undertaking': 'parent_undertaking_name',
        'E-PRTR identification': 'EPRTR_id', 
        'Call Sign (ICAO designator)': 'call_sign',
        'First Year of Emissions': 'initial_emissions_year',
        'Main Address Line': 'first_address_line',
        'Secondary Address Line': 'second_address_line', 
        'Postal Code': 'postcode', 
        'City': 'city', 
        'Country': 'country', 
        'Latitude': 'lat', 
        'Longitude': 'lon',
        'Main Activity': 'main_activity'

    df_owners, df_aircraft, ts_dfs = construct_ets_unit_dfs(account_ids, aircraft_owners_col_rename_map, aircraft_col_rename_map, label='Aircraft')
    aircraft_dfs = ts_dfs_to_separate_vars(ts_dfs)

        'owners': df_owners,
        'aircraft': df_aircraft

    return aircraft_dfs

def get_aircraft_dfs(df_search, data_dir='data/aircraft', redownload=False):
    df_search_aircraft = df_search.query("account_type=='Aircraft Operator Account'")
    account_ids = df_search_aircraft['account_id']

    if not os.path.exists(data_dir):

    redownload_aircraft = True

    if redownload_aircraft == True:
        aircraft_dfs = construct_aircraft_dfs(account_ids)

        for filename, df_aircraft in aircraft_dfs.items():

        aircraft_dfs = dict()
        filenames = [f[:-4] for f in os.listdir(data_dir) if '.csv' in f]

        for filename in filenames:
            aircraft_dfs[filename] = pd.read_csv(f'{data_dir}/{filename}.csv')

    return aircraft_dfs
redownload_aircraft = False

aircraft_dfs = get_aircraft_dfs(df_search, data_dir='../data/aircraft', redownload=redownload_aircraft)

100% 1575/1580 [14:53<00:01, 0.57s/it]
(1580, 17)

Putting It All Together

Finally we'll finish by creating a wrapper that downloads all of the data to the specified directory

def redownload_all_data(data_dir='data'):
    all_dfs = dict()
    all_dfs['account_search'] = get_search_df(data_dir=data_dir, redownload=True)

    installation_dfs = get_installation_dfs(all_dfs['account_search'], data_dir=f'{data_dir}/installations', redownload=True)
    aircraft_dfs = get_aircraft_dfs(all_dfs['account_search'], data_dir=f'{data_dir}/aircraft', redownload=True)


    return all_dfs
redownload_everything = False

if redownload_everything == True:
    all_dfs = redownload_all_data(data_dir='../data')